
Showing posts from June, 2009

Ravelry Day 2009

It was a dreich day on Saturday, and I was outdoors for all of it. But it was the best birthday ever! Loads of stalls full of yarn, dyes, buttons, fibres - just fab! I spent, spent spent, while the patient boy wandered around Coventry town centre in the rain. Thank you, the boy! And then it got even better - I had a ticket to Meg Swansen's talk, which was inside, in the warm and dry. Above, a photo of the man taking photos of all the fans. Below, the talk was introduced by Jared Flood ! It was a great talk, and there were plenty of questions. I really enjoyed myself, and feel lucky to have been there, as I believe this was her first talk in the UK. And, she signed a book for me! So I spoke to her too- I was a little starstruck! I thought it would be cool to run into the Yarn Harlot in Toronto, when we're there later this year, but after meeting Meg I realise that I would probably be paralysed with fear ... At the end of a long day, it stopped raining at last. Just as the alp