Fav seller

Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka - currently sold but may be available via Alchemy from

Army turtle - currently available via Amy's Babies Etsy shop - $15.00

Amy's Babies is one of my fav sellers - I just love these little crochet Amigurumi animals - she takes custom orders too - so if you have an animal or character you love I would contact her - she's so friendly and I'm sure will give it a go!

Amigurumi is a Japanese art - "Amu" means to knit & "Nuigurumi" means doll - although it's crochet-only. These little crochet dolls are usually animals only. I can't wait to learn - I think this could be an inspiring hobby!

I'm still thinking of what I would like - although I simply LOVE the Johnny Deep "Willy Wonka" character above so I may request an Alchemy from her for this one.

She has inspired me to take up crochet - which I haven't yet started [as there aren't enough crafty days in the week!] but am poised with Happy Hooker to begin learning.

Photos used with permission.


  1. Thank you Cherry! I would be happy to do a Turtle for you any time : )


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