Picture-less news

Since blogger is being a git and refusing to upload some pretty pics, you're just going to have to put up with a dull text post instead.

So - I've just ordered the first copy of a new UK knitting magazine "Yarn Forward Magazine" Since Kerrie Allman of Magknits is behind this I'm very excited to see what pops through my door!

I could lie and say that Blogger won't let me update this weeks cupcake pictures - Rocky Road Cupcakes - from Cupcakes Galore! but the truth is Evil Estrogen and her pal PMS sabotaged my efforts. They were supposed to take 20 minutes to bake - after 40 minutes they still weren't ready. I'm afraid I lost it a little and 'punished' them to death by burning them into rocks. I was found by the boy in the kitchen crying and knocking on them to illustrate their rock-like state.

He still ate them though - bless him.

I ordered the yarn for Central Park hoodie - Cascade 220 in shade 9430 [see below post's pics], which looks like a variety of foresty greens depending on which online shop photos I look at ... Hopefully it should be there when I get home tonight - just in time to tension square & cast on for the start of the Central Park Hoodie KAL [knit-a-long] tomorrow!

A final paragraph for this post ... knitty-ish t-shirt on Threadless - cool huh? Found by the boy.


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