Icarus has begun!

The yarn has arrived and Icarus has begun! 100% wool hand-dyed laceweight from handpaintedyarn.com in colourway Bombon. I love all the beautiful colours - exactly what I was trying to create - hot, burnt, golden, sun, Icarus.

But see below ... this is what happens when I think the following;
I've never tried a lace shawl before, but hey - this bit of the chart is easy - I don't need a life-line... Even as I thought this I could see Lilith's expression. I tempted Karma further by thinking; Och I'm on the 2nd repeat - I can do this at the Knit n' Stitch meet up without problems - there is a rest row after all...

And then the final carefree thought that brought Karma stampeding my way; I don't need the central stitch markers, I'm not an idiot - anyone can see where the centre line is.

I discovered what I had done this morning before work. Every line of yarn overs has the following pattern: k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk except the central line of yarn overs, which [in order to make the triangle shape] is only yo, k1, yo.

I have learned that if I don't have stitch markers in the central line then I will do 2 extra decreases and lose a couple of yarn overs and ... well a bloody mess i what I have learned! I can't even begin to describe it. I know exactly what I've done though.

And if I hadn't seen it [pre-caffine] this morning before work [and before rational thought] I probably would've been OK. As it turned out I thought that I could fix this without knitting back 3 rows. I thought that I was 'cleverer' that Karma.

I have been slapped down.

At tea break I realised that going back stitch by stitch was inevitable. Resigned, I set to it.

Continued through lunch ... [and renamed the lovely laceweight 'Fusion; never-gonna-separate']

And late tea ...

Now: I get to the bit where I tried to fix the tangle of this morning's bright spark ideas. Hmm ... the tangle was such that the only way to continue was to force a ball of yarn through a hole the size of a stitch. Now how the [expletive] did I manage to do this!? I mean how! There would have been a photo but I was busy crying and growling.

Rage took over - I yanked about 20 stitches off the needle and pulled the yarn to try and release it. I thought I could 'scare' both the yarn and Karma. But [as with the students at the academic library where I work] once you show that you've lost control the battle is lost.

And the photo is where I'm at. It's not a lost cause - I'm still in the 'I can fix this' bubble. Watch this space.


  1. I had to put a center Row marker in there too.

    Good luck on the tangle sounds yucky!


  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    It's not that I don't feel you pain, but you had me in stitches (oops, bad pun alert) this morning and put a big smile on your face. I think I've done all those things as well - when will a frustrated knitter realise that a big bal of yarn just won't fit??
    Take care
    Who is still giggling - but I'm a bout to get on my bike, which I haven't sat on for a year, so that'll wipe the smile off my face...

  3. oh dear.... there's only one solution. gather together the knitter's emergency frogging kit, which consists of some soothing music to listen to, patience, a good strong light to sit under, a big bar of chocolate, and a strong drink!! :) good luck xo
    p.s. lifeline!!! :)

  4. OH NO! Poor you! But on the plus side the yarn is beautiful - I love all your pics of yarn wrapped up neatly by your snazzy ball winder.
    Good luck!!!
    Sarah x


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