Firing through the wips

Ta-da! Summertime Tunic is finished! I bought two ribbons for it; a brown velvety one, and a pink gingham one. I love the length, and fit - thankfully, because I couldn't face trying it again. The round and round of the stocking stitch meant that my motivation waned frequently and this project took 8 months to complete.

My second finished project is a neck-warmer. I made it from Posh Yarn's Alice handspun hand-dyed cashmere. I think it's probably the most sumptious yarn I've ever knit with. It only took me two days - cast on 90 stitches and knit until the skein was complete!

I realise that this isn't on my list of wips to complete before the Beijing Olympics, but I had to take a luxury yarn project break.

We were in Oban last week - really lovely place. I dropped by Wool and Needlecraft - it's a great place to get buttons. They had some stunning yarns that I hadn't seen before - not the usual baby acrylic that most small town yarn shops seem to hold.

We were eating our chips in the car, next to the sea. (What else would one have for dinner after visiting a Sea Life Sanctuary?) It appeared that we had caught the attention of the locals ... there was one of the fence in front, one on the bonnet, and one on the car roof of the cars next to us.

The boy thought it would be fun to step out of the car and throw some of our leftover chips at them ...

... at which the two gulls next to my window screamed at every gull on the west coast "free chips, this crazy city boy is giving away free chips!!!!" ...

... about a million gulls appeared from nowhere, crapping all over the car in their excitement as they gave chase to the boy, who was running towards the rubbish bin in a state of shock and fear. I sat in the car just about crying I was laughing so hard.

And finally, another wip has begun. Central Park Hoodie number 2 in a bigger size. I realise that I'm not supposed to be starting anything new, but all I have left is a crochet wrap, pinwheel sweater and luna moth shawl. I've decided that I need something new. I must have something else to knit before I lose my knitty mind.


  1. Both your finished projects look great. I love the colour of yarn you are using for your Central Park hoodie.

  2. Well worth the effort to finish your top - love that ribbon with it.

  3. Both FOs very nice. I bet you get a lot of wear out of your top this summer. And, I LOVE your Central Park #1, so I'm looking forward to seeing the next one. Sorry, have to laugh about the crazy seagulls in Oban- run for your life! x K

  4. You have been busy - this is great encouragement for me as I am trying to FINISH things - failing miserably! Summer tunic looks gorgeous , ditto the ribbon , and I just Loooveee! the neck/head warmer , such lovely yarn.
    Mmmmm , may try that using my angora (if I allow myself to start something new!!)

  5. OMG! Love how you Summertime Tunic turned out. Very flattering!


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