Beads n' yarn n' stuff

Lots of crafty fun this weekend - we had a bead meetup to sample the delights of the Bead Company in the west end (next to the new Tesco on Dumbarton Road) It was ... overwhelming! There were 2 floors of beads of every kind, and we spent a l-o-n-g time in there. I bought lots of fun beads to make stretchy bracelets.

I especially love the apple-y bracelet I made - it's so Sanrio! There was an incident, when I learned the strength of super glue and had a bit of cardboard stuck to my finger for a few hours...

Before the bead-fest I did a dash around the SECC who were hosting Creative Stitches and Hobbycraft - I'm so lucky to live in Glasgow so that I can do this kind of thing on a whim. I made it round in less than an hour - slowed only by the fact that I shouldn't be spending money when I'm trying to save for my web designer classes.

Bought some yummy Sublime Angora Merino - 6 balls for only £1.99 a ball, and 10 balls of Debbie Bliss Soho for only £19.99! I'm not so sure about the Debbie Bliss - yarn fumes may have factored here!

I usually avoid her stuff as I find it pilly - although the colours are stunning. Hoping that the Soho won't go that way. Hmm... maybe I'll check Ravelry to see...


I'm back! No mention of pilling, but a few 'this is scratchy' comments, so guess it won't be a scarf then. Although I think I have a higher tolerance of scratchy yarns.

I also succumbed to Old Maiden Aunt's buttony hat kit - which is literally drool-soft and squooshy. Really love the red buttons too - Chosen by Karie and a great choice! Can't wait to cast on ... in fact, with the never-ending blue scarf being the only thing I am knitting at the moment, I'm pretty much lusting after every other project there is right now.

Julia at my knitting group suggested only casting something on once three things have been cast off. This seems like a good solution to me. Others felt that as it is a hobby, I should enjoy myself and cast on and knit whatever I fancy. I fear with me this would just result in a mass of 50-odd guilty WIPs, and none of the satisfaction of finished objects.

I enjoy knitting but I love finished objects too - and have been thinking of all my WIPs and getting re-excited for having them done.

And some more fabby knitting -but I can't take the credit for these. A gorgeous pair of Fair Isle armwarmers arrived in the post yesterday, knitted by my Granny. I love them! It was a real surprise, and now I'm a knitter I can appreciate the hard work that has gone into them. Thank you granny! :D

That's me for now - I've got a bag of Pick 'n Mix, a never-ending scarf and Desperate Housewives waiting for me on Sky Plus.


  1. The bracelet looks fab and the armwarmers are gorgeous.

  2. Good old Granny, they look lovely. I also love the apple bracelet, it's fun and cool. x K


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